


参照元の一つ、Typography Terms - Proxima softwareを例にすると、
mean line
The line on which the top parts of most of the lowercase letters set (not the ascenders). Also called x-height. The top (imaginary) point of all lowercase characters without ascenders.
The height of those lowercase letters such as "x", which do not have ascenders or descenders. The lowercase 'x' is used for measurement since it usually sits squarely on the baseline.

上記の通り、mean lineの語義説明では「mean line=x-height」で「x-heightは(仮想)線」と読み取れてしまうが、しかしx-heightの語義説明では「x-heightは高さ」と明記されているので、このような説明だと英語読解の拙いワタクシなど混乱の極み。


語義 definitions

  1. baselineからascenderとdescenderを除いた小文字の最上部までの高さ。baselineからmean line 1までの高さ。
  2. 小文字のうち、ascenderを除いた最上部を通る仮想の水平線。x-height 1の最上部を通る仮想の水平線。【同】mean line 1


An imaginary line at the top of the lowercase x that sets a height guideline for flat letters and letterparts. Curved letters usually pass through a bit in order to appear the same height as the x.

Type Directors Club : Views : Type Dictionary

An imaginary line that establishes a common height from the baseline for the lower-case letters without the ascenders or descenders and is derived from the height of the lower-case x.

Haslam, Andrew. Lettering: A Reference Manual of Techniques. Laurence King Publishers, 2011, 240p. (p.9)



このように、所謂「Type Anatomy」、「Type Terminology」、「Glossary of Type」などと呼ばれるものを調べ始めたきっかけは、不明な用語をちょっと調べたら、まさにこのx-heightのように混乱させられることがあって、掘り下げていったら嵌り込んでしまったというワケ。

今回でこのブログ上で用語解説するのはひとまず終了。もっと詳細を知りたいという奇特な方は、拙WIKI「辞時源諸説」のtype anatomyをご覧あれ。


mean lineとwaistline、皆さんどちら派?

先日発刊の『書体の研究vol.11』やそのUstreamでも少しだけ取り上げられてもいましたmean line (meanline)とwaistlineについて。

mean line (meanline)


(Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular)

A horizontal guideline indicating where the tops of lowercase letters without ascenders appear to align. Often referred to in an imaginary sense. Sometimes referred to as x-line or x-height line.

Font Glossary - Fonts.com


2.baselineとcapital lineの中間を示す仮想の水平線。

(Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular)

Designing Type p.10の書影【Google Books】(図解あり)

Cheng, Karen. Designing Type. Laurence King Publishing, 2006, 232p. (p.10)

The mean line or midline is half the distance from the baseline to the cap height. This may or may not be the x-height.(後略)

Mean line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




mean line 1に同じ。

Upper boundary of the body height in writing or type.

Folsom, Rose. The Calligraphers' Dictionary. Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1990, 144p. (p.128)
【引用者注】ここでのbody heightはx-heightに同じ。


つまり、mean line (meanline)は、waistlineに同じ。


mean line (meanline) 1・waistlineの同義語として他に、headlinemedianmidlinex-linex-height linex-height(!)があるのだけれど、ややこしいことに、mean line (meanline) 1・waistlineとx-heightを混同した使用例が見受けられる。こちらの方が悩ましい。。。


[TYPE ANATOMY] writing line


語義 definitions

図解 illustrations


参考文献など references, etc.

Synonym of baseline, but may be preferred when speaking of a whole page of writing, as opposed to a student's practice sheet.

Folsom, Rose. The Calligraphers' Dictionary. Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1990, 144p. (p.131)
A Book of Formal Scriptsのp.8より)
Woodcock, John. Knight, Stan. A Book of Formal Scripts. A & C Black Publishers Limited, 1992, 80p. (p.8)

[TYPE ANATOMY] topline

ほとんど見たことも聞いたこともない語。実は、以下の通りascender lineの同義語で、出典は2つのみ。ただその一つがRobert Bringhurst著の『The Elements Of Typographic Style: Version 3.0』という。

語義 definitions

図解 illustrations

ascender line

参考文献など references, etc.

Whether written by hand or set into type, the Latin lowercase alphabet implies an invisible staff consisting of at least four lines: topline, midline, baseline and beardline. The topline is the line reached by ascenders in letters like b, d, h, k, l. The midline marks the top of letters like a, c, e, m, x, and the top of the torso of letters like b, d, h. The baseline is the line on which all these letters rest. The beardline is the line reached by descenders in letters like p and q. The cap line, marking the top of uppercase letters like H, does not necessarily coincide with the topline of the lower case.
Round letters like e and o normally dent the baseline. Pointed letters like v and w normally pierce it, while the foot serifs of letters like h and m usually rest precisely upon it.

Bringhurst, Robert. The Elements Of Typographic Style: Version 3.0. Hartley & Marks, 2004, 384p. (p.322)
Typography - Planet Of Tunesより)
Typography - Planet Of Tunes「Staff」の図解

[TYPE ANATOMY] beardline

ほとんど見たことも聞いたこともない語。実は、以下の通りdescender lineの同義語で、出典は2つのみ。ただその一つがRobert Bringhurst著の『The Elements Of Typographic Style: Version 3.0』という。

語義 definitions

図解 illustrations

descender line

参考文献など references, etc.

Whether written by hand or set into type, the Latin lowercase alphabet implies an invisible staff consisting of at least four lines: topline, midline, baseline and beardline. The topline is the line reached by ascenders in letters like b, d, h, k, l. The midline marks the top of letters like a, c, e, m, x, and the top of the torso of letters like b, d, h. The baseline is the line on which all these letters rest. The beardline is the line reached by descenders in letters like p and q. The cap line, marking the top of uppercase letters like H, does not necessarily coincide with the topline of the lower case.
Round letters like e and o normally dent the baseline. Pointed letters like v and w normally pierce it, while the foot serifs of letters like h and m usually rest precisely upon it.

Bringhurst, Robert. The Elements Of Typographic Style: Version 3.0. Hartley & Marks, 2004, 384p. (p.322)
Typography - Planet Of Tunesより)
Typography - Planet Of Tunes「Staff」の図解


[TYPE ANATOMY] descent line


語義 definitions

  1. 文字の最下部を通る仮想の水平線。
  2. (【同】ascender line, topline
  1. The imaginary horizontal guideline marking the farthest distance between the baseline and the top of a letter.
  2. (=ascender line, topline)

図解 illustrations

Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular

参考文献など references, etc.

定義するにあたって参考にしたものは、拙WIKI「辞時源諸説」のdescent lineの「各種定義」にまとめた。

[TYPE ANATOMY] descender line

語義 definitions

  • descenderの最下部を通る仮想の水平線。【同】beardline, (descent line 2)
  • The imaginary horizontal guideline that represents the bottommost point of a descender.

図解 illustrations

Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular

参考文献など references, etc.

定義するにあたって参考にしたものは、拙WIKI「辞時源諸説」のdescender lineの「各種定義」にまとめた。

[TYPE ANATOMY] capital line (cap line, capline)

語義 definitions

  • 大文字の最上部を通る仮想の水平線。
    【註】書体によっては、しばしばascender lineより下に位置することが多い。
  • The imaginary horizontal guideline that represents the topmost point of capital letters.
    [NOTE] In many typefaces, placed below the ascender line.

図解 illustrations

Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular

参考文献など references, etc.

定義するにあたって参考にしたものは、拙WIKI「辞時源諸説」のcapital lineの「各種定義」にまとめた。

[TYPE ANATOMY] baseline (base line)


語義 definitions

  • descenderを除いた文字の底部がその上に接する仮想の水平線。【同】writing line, z-line, zee-line, reading line
  • The imaginary horizontal guideline on which the bottoms of letters without descenders optically range.
    [NOTE] In most typefaces, the descenders on letters extend down below the baseline while curved or pointed letters extend ever-so-slightly below the baseline.

図解 illustrations

Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular

参考文献など references, etc.


[TYPE ANATOMY] ascent line


語義 definitions

  1. 符号などが上部に付加した文字を含めて、文字の最上部を通る仮想の水平線。
  2. (【同】ascender line, topline
  1. The imaginary horizontal guideline marking the farthest distance between the baseline and the top of a letter.
  2. (=ascender line, topline)

図解 illustrations

Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular

参考文献など references, etc.

定義するにあたって参考にしたものは、拙WIKI「辞時源諸説」のascent lineの「各種定義」にまとめた。

[TYPE ANATOMY] ascender line


語義 definitions

  • ascenderの最上部を通る仮想の水平線。【同】topline, (ascent line 2)
    【註】書体によっては、しばしばcapital lineより上に位置することが多い。
  • The imaginary horizontal guideline that represents the topmost point of an ascender.
    [NOTE] In many typefaces, placed above the capital line.

図解 illustrations

Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular

参考文献など references, etc.

定義するにあたって参考にしたものは、拙WIKI「辞時源諸説」のascender lineの「各種定義」にまとめた。


[TYPE ANATOMY] extender


語義 definitions

  • mean line 1より上の部分またはbaselineより下の部分。ascenderdescender
  • A part of a letter that extends above the mean line or below the baseline. Ascenders and descenders.

図解 illustrations

ASCENDER (Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular)

DESCENDER 01(Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular)

DESCENDER 02(Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Italic)

参考文献など references, etc.

定義するにあたって参考にしたものは、拙WIKI「辞時源諸説」の extender の「各種定義」にまとめた。

[TYPE ANATOMY] descender


語義 definitions

  • 小文字の(または書体によっては大文字の)baselineより下に伸びた部分または領域。
  • The partor area of certain lowercase (or uppercase in some typefaces) letters letter that extends below the baseline.
    [NOTE] In an italic style etc., lowercase f often has a descender.

図解 illustrations

Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular

Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Italic

参考文献など references, etc.



[TYPE ANATOMY] ascender


語義 definitions

  • 小文字のうち、mean line 1からascender lineまで伸びた部分または領域。
  • The part or area of certain lowercase letters that extends from the mean line to the ascender line.
    [NOTE] The letter t, which has a shorter projection above the x-height, is often not classified with other ascending letters.

図解 illustrations

Typeface: Adobe Garamond Pro Regular

参考文献など references, etc.
